Tuesday, February 19, 2008

FAM Being Kicked !!!!!

FAM wrong Emblem/Logo

ESPN has apologised to Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) for displaying the wrong FAM logo on Feb 13 during a live telephone call to FAM secretary-general Datuk Azzuddin Ahmad.
During the Sportscenter Asia broadcast on Wednesday, ESPN showed a parodied-logo instead of the official FAM logo. It’s reported by Utusan that the staff from Sportscenter Asia had searched for the logo online and had mistaken that as the official logo. FAM website has been under construction for quite some time, and the ESPN staff obviously couldn’t get the logo from an official source. The website would only be back by March 1 according to Azzuddin.

It is a shame that FAM’s website has to be taken down for weeks for reconstruction. This actually exposed a serious issue on how incompetence some web development companies in Malaysia are and how some Malaysian websites are poorly managed.

By the way the words in the altered logo was "Persatuan Kenasepak Malaysia" instead of "Persatuan Bolasesepak Malaysia". "Kenasepak" literally means "being kicked"!!!!!!

Ha...Ha....ha......... Another frustrated malaysian or Malaysian Football now has becoming a laughing stock.........


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